Dear my earmuff.
Hi, my lovely earmuff~. Nice to see you again.
First, I want to tell you, "Sorry".
Because when I leave my home, I for got to bring you.
I knew it on the Second day of GLPS.
Anyways, I texted to my mom when I knew that.
Because I really needed you.
Here is Gang-Won do.
Gang-Won is the coldest area in South Korea =.=, you know?
After that you came here by delivery.
And I wore you. I felt warm and soft.
I was very proud of you.
If you didn't com here that time, I probably died.
Because it's TOO COLD!! >_<
I think you are nice.
You helped me and you are helping me even NOW!!!
I really love you.
Thanks a lot
Sincerely, Thomas
답글삭제You did a good job praising your ear muffs. Try to use more personifications and metaphors though to add to your descriptions.
답글삭제You wrote a nice ode to your precious ear muffs. Just try to use more descriptive language in your ode. Keep working hard~
-Yongwook, Oh (Writing TA)
Hello, Precious:) (sorry.)
답글삭제Um.. Bye.